KPFA Protectors won 8 out of 12 seats
in KPFA’s Local Station Board Election!
KPFA Protectors Newly Elected Listener Candidates are: Zack Kaldveer, (Highest Vote Getter in all of Pacifica's 2024 Elections)
Fred Dodsworth, Christina Huggins, Carol Wolfley, and Steve Kucala.
Our Newly Elected Staff Candidates are: Sherry Gendelman and Allegra Thompson
Cathy Picou will be filling a newly vacant seat
Photo by Sharon Adams
KPFA Protectors
Dynamic & Dedicated Candidates
Zack Kaldveer - elected
PNB Director, Independent Media Journalist
Fred Dodsworth - elected
PNB Director, Journalist, Publisher
Carol Wolfley - elected
LSB Secretary, Climate Emergency Outreach
Christina Huggins - elected
LSB Treasurer, Staff & Union Support
Steve Kucala - elected
Safeguarding KPFA’s Building & Music
Akio Tanaka
Effective Representative & Functional Governance
Andrea Turner
Social Justice Music, Fiscal Accountability
Colleen Mast
Outreach to Youth & New Communities
About KPFA Protectors
KPFA Protectors are board members, staff, volunteers, and member-listeners who support and protect KPFA’s diverse staff and management team and station building. We uphold KPFA’s peace and social justice mission and investigative journalism without corporate underwriting. We actively focus on community engagement and building KPFA membership.
We work to bring more accountability to the Pacifica National Board governance to help all Pacifica stations to become financially self-sustaining by producing engaging, diverse, independent, programming. KPFA with its higher membership, experienced management team and skilled staff have shown that it can be done with 4 training programs, political and socially conscious premiums, emergency resources and the only full news department in the Pacifica Network.